If the insurance industry could be described in a single word, that word might be "complex." With agents, commissions, MGAs, deadlines, expiration and renewals, tracking, updating, and a thousand other things to concern yourself with, to say that the insurance industry brings with it multiple tasks is a gross understatement. Everything about insurance is a task in some form. Managing these tasks properly is the difference between a successful, growing business and a floundering business on the brink of collapse. The
NowCerts agency management system greatly simplifies the process of handling multiple tasks with an intuitive, streamlined, user-friendly system that starts to immediately pay dividends.
As the manager of the insurance business, it falls squarely on your shoulders not only to delegate and assign all necessary tasks, but also to make sure they're going to the right people and that they're being handled properly. This is where the Task Manager feature of the agency management systems comes in.
What You Get from an Agency Management System's Task Manager Feature
Easy Task Creation
You don't have to brainstorm very long before you can think of at least three tasks you've had to create and hand out in the near past in order to handle your business. With the Task Manager feature of the
NowCerts agency management system, what you have is a new, custom-tailored feature of the system that allows you to use a simplistic module to create and manage some of the toughest tasks you're faced with. You can create the task with the use of the intuitive controls in a mere fraction of the time it would take you the old-fashioned way.
Streamlined Delegation
Even if creating tasks proves to be easy, you may still run into a snag when handing them out. Having to run across the office, email someone, or call someone and talk things through can really bog down the process. You not only have to spend time creating the task, but then you have to get the task out to the right person. With the
NowCerts agency management system, you can delegate any task to any member within the system, and they will receive the task along with the full set of details in their system. This invaluable feature saves a lot of time and hassle.
An Intuitive Interface
NowCerts agency management system is much more than some fancier version of email. It's not as if you have to go through and manually enter information in a tedious fashion, creating and delegating tasks that you build up from scratch. The intuitive interface of the system already has multiple relevant categories saved, that act like templates, and the only work you really have to do is set the status, priority, creator, supervisor, and due date of the task before quickly and easily delegating it to the right person(s).
Seamless Integration
Even if a system works as well as advertised, able to streamline something like task management, it still might not work well for you if you need to spend a lot of time learning the system and training others within your company to use it proficiently. This is something
NowCerts kept in mind during the design of the product and the addition of the Task Management feature. When we say it's intuitive, we mean it. The learning curve here is practically nonexistent. Using the Task Manager correctly is no more complicated than using a web browser.
Creating and delegating tasks certainly isn't the only thing you need concern yourself with as a manager of an insurance company, but it's definitely near the top of the list of priorities. The agency management system makes the creation and delegation of any and all tasks incredibly simplistic and exceedingly quick.