
Stay organized and prioritize your responsibilities
The Dashboard is the focal point of the entire system. It’s a birds-eye view of what’s going on in the agency. The dashboard helps to see what areas need more detailed attention and allows access to those areas with the click of a mouse.

The Dashboard is the very first thing an agent will see when he or she logs into the Now Certs Agency Management System.  The dashboard manages the most important aspects of the agency's business.  At the very top is the Agency at a Glance strip.  This is a menu displaying the number of unread emails, daily issued certificates, calendar appointments, the expired and renewing policies as well as those that are pending cancel.  From the top navigational bar, the user can quickly navigate to any of these areas to see further details.

Just below the top navigational bar is a widget displaying the most important tasks.  The task module can be used as a quick to do list or as a comprehensive project management module.  The tasks are organized based on status, priority, due date and percentage of completion. The user can quickly navigate from the dashboard right into the details of a specific task.

Besides the tasks module, on the dashboard is also a widget displaying service requests submitted from an insured to the agency.  These requests can be submitted through the agency's website or the insured portal area.  The requests can vary from vehicle or driver change, limit of liability endorsement request, a payment processing submission or any other matters concerning a specific client.

Next is the list of the calendar events and appointments scheduled for a specific day.  To the right of it is the Carrier Downloads Status Screen.  It allows the agency to monitor the progress of the most recent Carrier Downloads.  Scrolling further down is the Renewal at a Glance and Pending Cancellations summary panels. As the names suggest, these panels track the upcoming Renewals and Pending Cancellations that need attention.

Now Certs wraps up the Dashboard Panel with the Recent Prospects and Recent Endorsements tracking widgets. Recent Prospects panel displays a quick view of the status and names of the prospects that an agency is working on.

On the dashboard, the agency can quickly see a few very important performance reports.  A graphical visualisation of the top 7 seven agents in terms of commissions and sales.  A very well presented report on retention levels, cross sales and renewals.

The dashboard is not just a pretty welcome page; it is also a comprehensive intermediary providing an overview of the agency's performance in terms of cancels, renewals, sales, commissions, appointments and much more.   


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